talk show的词源
- chat (n.)
- 1520s, "chatter, frivolous talk;" see chat (v.). Meaning "familiar conversation" is from 1570s. Chat show, for what in U.S. is a talk show, attested from 1969. Chat room in the online sense is attested by 1994, from the days when AOL ruled the Web.
- talk (n.)
- late 15c., "speech, discourse, conversation," from talk (v.). Meaning "informal lecture or address" is from 1859. Meaning "a subject of gossip" is from 1620s (in talk of the town). Talk show first recorded 1965; talk radio is from 1985.
该词的英语词源请访问找单词词源英文版:talk show 词源,talk show 含义。
还可拼写为 talk-show,来自 talk(说)+ show(展示、显示),进入汉语被音译为“脱口秀”,算是一个音意合译词,既表音又表意。